Podcast Transcripts

#2 Jens Frank

So, what they claimed to have shown is that when you work as a human professional, 70 percent of your skills you learn from actually doing them. Trying to apply your knowledge to your work, that is how you get better.

#3 Adee Schoon


What I hope will change is that we understand more about canine cognition, how they learn and what they pay attention to and how to tap into that. Because I think classical, and especially operant conditioning is a very good tool. It is quite clear you can achieve a lot with it, but I think dogs understand a lot more, and if we understand what they understand we can make our training much more effective. And that’s where I hope it will go, that what is being done in the field of canine cognition, that we will start using that more in training dogs.

#4 Hennie Bolster


All the people he had to bite he just bit, and yes it was a ball dog, that's right. That's how I trained him. That's what he did the recall for, that's what he did everything for. I think a dog should be rewarded a lot. If you don't reward a dog, he won't work for you. He works for you because he wants to be rewarded, he needs to get something in return.

#7 Chris

I always say, “You have two types of dogs; you have a dog with a camera and a camera dog.” A dog with a camera is a dog that moves independently and performs its task while you can watch what’s happening.
